"My Stroke of Insight" - Jill Botle Taylor


What would it be like to lose half of your brain? Not just any half, but the half that operates your logic and speech centers. That is what happened to Jill Botle Taylor, a neuroanatomist who endured a massive stroke that took her eight years to recover from. In her talks, she loves to say: "How many brain scientists have been able to study the brain from the inside out? I've gotten as much out of this experience of losing my left mind as I have in my entire academic career." 

She talks about how our brains work and how we interact with the stimulus that is provided to our minds. I found her to be very clear and painted a beautiful experience from such a traumatic event in her life, that was both inspirational and educational.

As well as having published a book "My Stroke of Insight", she travels around North America on behalf of the Harvard Brain Bank as the "Singin' Scientist."


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